Residential Wastewater Treatment Plants

At BIOROCK, we use revolutionary techniques to ensure all of our sewage treatment plants are non-electric, have a low carbon footprint and call for minimum annual maintenance.As our innovations ensure that nature runs the operation, you'll save big bucks not only on maintenance, but electricity too.We believe in our products and trust them. This is why …

Multi Way Splitter

BIOROCK is home to an internationally acclaimed team of wastewater specialists, who share the goal of providing innovative, sustainable, and eco-friendly wastewater treatment systems. Our level of expertise and attention to detail guarantees only the best, most reliable products, providing the market with the ultimate non-electrical wastewater ...


Doing this, the Gili Eco Trust has managed to restore some of the beautiful coral reefs of Trawangan in a short period. They have proven to be more resilient than natural reefs in severe bleaching events of 2009, 2010 and 2016. More than 150 structures are placed in the waters around the Gili Islands, fostering a lot of new corals and a vast ...

ECOROCK Wastewater Treatment

About Biorock. BIOROCK is home to an internationally acclaimed team of wastewater specialists, who share the goal the goal of providing innovative, sustainable, and eco-friendly wastewater treatment systems. Our level of expertise and attention-to-detail guarantees only the best, most reliable products, providing the market with the ultimate ...

About BIOROCK | Sustainable Sewage Treatment

The company. Founded in 1988, BIOROCK is a company known for its expertise in the treatment of domestic wastewater. It has a global vision of the business - from the development of its products internally to the expansion of its international sales network. Over the past 25 years, BIOROCK has implemented successful projects worldwide. The …

دستگاه فرز

فرزکاری شامل طیف گسترده‌ای از عملیات و ماشین آلات مختلف کوچک و دستی تا عملیات بزرگ‌مقیاس و انجام پروژه‌های سنگین می‌شود. معمولا ماشین‌های فرز اتوماتیک را می‌توان در جهت عمودی یا افقی قرار داد تا مواد را براساس طرحی از پیش‌تعیین‌ شده حکاکی کنند و …

فرز الماسی GZ

خانه اندودانتیکس ابزار اندو فرز فرز الماسی GZ. فرز الماسی GZ. نظر خود را ثبت کنید. محصول کشور اتریش. ساخته شده از مرغوب ترین آلیاژ. بسته بندی 5 عددی. دسته: ابزار اندو, فرز برچسب: GZ, فرز, فرز الماسی ...

Biorock Indonesia is restoring coral with …

Biorock Indonesia thinks so, with the help of technology and strong communities. Indonesia has 18% of the world's coral reefs, yet more than 30% of them are in poor condition. Their preservation and …

About BIOROCK | Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Solutions

In Innovative Wastewater Treatment. BIOROCK was established in 1988 with the vision of creating innovative, sustainable methods for treating wastewater, without harming the environment. Since our inception, we've evolved into an internationally-acclaimed leader in innovative onsite and dispersed non-electrical wastewater treatment technologies.

Biorock: Electric Reefs

Biorock corals are also better able to cope with environmental stresses such as pollution, sedimentation and climate change. In the catastrophic 1998 El Niño bleaching event, 50-80 percent of corals on electric reefs in the Maldives survived dramatically elevated water temperatures as opposed to just 5-10 percent survival rates on adjacent …

Biorocks Biotechnology Co.Ltd-Homepage

Not only does it simplify the traditionally complex vitrification process to just one step, but our system also standardizes the procedure, ensuring consistent results. This effectively eliminates fluctuations and variations that typically arise from different embryologists, guaranteeing a uniform and reliable process every time.

اور فرز مینیاتوری 10 عددی

توضیحات کامل اور فرز مینیاتوری 10 عددی از "ابزار هدایت" تجهیزات تراش سنگ های قیمتی و دستگاه های برش، تراش، کاروینگ، حکاکی و مینیاتوری باز در سایت پارس سنتر

BIOROCK New Zealand

Geoff Jones-PrichardManaging Director. Contact: +64 21 645 199 or [email protected]. Geoff is the Managing Director and owner of Ecological Technologies Ltd and has been involved in the water industry for most of his working career. He has acquired a comprehensive knowledge of water and wastewater treatment processes and regularly …


BIOROCK is home to an internationally acclaimed team of wastewater specialists, who share the goal of providing innovative, sustainable, and eco-friendly wastewater treatment systems. Our level of expertise and attention to detail guarantees only the best, most reliable products, providing the market with the ultimate non-electrical wastewater ...

Residential & Commercial Wastewater Treatment | BIOROCK

ELAMUTE REOVEEPUHASTUSTID. BIOROCK pakub täielikku valikut kompaktseid ja mitteelektrilisi elamute reoveepuhasteid, mis on jaotatud 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15 ja 30 inimese süsteemideks. Paralleelselt paigaldatuna võivad üksused töötada ka 60, 90, 120 inimese ja rohkema heaks. BIOROCKI elektrivabad reoveepuhastusjaamad pakuvad ideaalset …

BIOROCK-järjestelmien Asennukseen Ja Huoltoon

TIETOA BIOROCKISTA. BIOROCK:lla on kansainvälisesti arvostettu jätevesiasiantuntijoiden tiimi, joka on sitoutunut tarjoamaan innovatiivisia, kestäviä ja ympäristöystävällisiä jäteveden käsittelyjärjestelmiä. Asiantuntemuksemme ja yksityiskohtien huomioiminen takaavat markkinoille vain parhaat ja luotettavimmat …


Biorock™ technology provides greater benefits, faster results and lower costs then any other alternative to solve a wide range of crucial marine management problems: 1. Coral Reef Restoration and Protection against Global warming. Biorock™ coral reefs turn barren dead and dying areas into pristine reefs swarming with fishes in a few years ...

فرز سنگ بوش مدل H230 BOSCH | پین تز

معرفی. شرکت بوش دستگاه فرز سنگ بری Gws 21-230 را تولید نموده که توانایی بسیار فوق العاده ای دارد سنگ فرز بوش با کیفیت بسیار عالی برای سنباده زدن و برش سنگها و برش فلزات می باشدکارکرد اسان این محصول ...


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