RCC Calculator | Estimate Cement, Sand, RCC Online Calculator
Reinforced cement concrete or RCC calculator can be used to calculate M15, M20 and M25 mix ratio of cement, sand and jelly. At materialtree, you can also …

Reinforced cement concrete or RCC calculator can be used to calculate M15, M20 and M25 mix ratio of cement, sand and jelly. At materialtree, you can also …
For cement concrete of ratio 1:1:2(1 cement:1sand/coarse sand:2graded stone aggregate) require 11no bags … I can confuse, and I want to know that basically what cost of these lenter is 1000 sq. ft. … Cement content in M20 grade concrete = 270 kg/m3 … »More detailed
Weight of cement in cum = 0.22 m 3. Consider water cement ration = 0.45. Amount of water required in 1 m 3 concrete work = Water cement ratio x Weight of Cement. Now, Water = 0.45 x 0.220 =0.0999 m 3. Amount of water required in liter= 0.0999 x 1000 = 99.9 liters. Therefore, For 1 m 3 concrete work, 6.336 bags, 15.54 cft sand, 31.076 cft
Strength of PCC is defined as compressive strength after 28 days, expressed as M15, M20, where M stands for Mix and 15 stands for 15 N/mm 2 (n/mm 2 must be read as 'Newton's per millimeter Cubic') compressive strength at 28 days. The proportions of materials (cement, sand, coarse aggregate) for nominal mix/design mix concrete that are normally used are 1:3:6 or 1:4:8.
Here 1 = cement, 1.5 = sand and 3 = aggregate. At first convert wet volume of concrete to dry volume. Here, total quantity of concrete mix is taken as 1M3. For converting to dry volume, multiply 1M3 with 1.52 i.e. 1.52 x 1M3 = 1.52 M3. To find out the volume of cement, the following formula is used :-1.52/1+1.5+3 x1 (for cement) = 0.2763 cum We ...
In this post, we will learn to do the rate analysis of M20 Concrete. Besides rate estimation, we will also calculate the total amount of material i.e. the number of Cement bags, the quantity of Sand, and the quantity of Coarse Aggregate required to prepare the 1 cum of M 20 Concrete.
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For 1m3 of wet or solid Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) ratio (1:3:6), we have to multiply with factor 1.52 for dry density than 1m3 become 1.52m3 of cement, sand & aggregate is required, due to presence of voids in sand in dry state. So, cement sand and aggregate quantity is calculated for 1.52m3 of PCC. Dry volume = 1.52 m3.
Extra Overheads: Rs.950/Cum (This cost considered Including Transportation, Shifting, Water Electricity, Housekeeping, PF/ESIC.Etc.) In General Condition Lot of builders and Subcontractors are sublating this work on Sqft basis or Per Bag basis to Subcontractor or Concrete gang Who can do it on PCC Rs. 6.00/ Sqft and Plum Concrete in 8.50 to 9 ...
Concrete mix shall be of M20 (1:1½:3) grade. Concrete pouring shall be machine mixed and mechanically vibrated. RCC SLABS: Providing & laying controlled reinforced cement concrete as per standard structural and architectural specification using 20MM downsized aggregates at any depth or heights including all formworks, centering, shuttering ...
So, if we have M20 grade concrete then we can say that its grade is 20KN/mm². And mix proportion is 1:1.5:3 which indicates that in this types of mix ratios 1 part is cement, 1:5 part is sand and 3 part is aggregate has been used to make this concrete.
b) Cement concrete work per 2.83 cum (100cuft) laying cement concrete – 2 beldars, 3 mazdoors, ¾ bhisti and ¼ mason, can do 2.83 cum (100 cuft) per day. c) R C C work:- 1) Laying reinforced concrete – 3 beldars, 3 mazdoors, 1½ Bhisti and ½ mason can do 2.83 cum (100cuft) per day.
For an M20 grade of concrete, the ratio is (1:1.5:3) ie, (1 part of cement: 1.5 part of sand: 3 part of Aggregate) Let us assume for 1 Cum. Of M20 concrete, So, Wet volume of concrete = 1 Cum. Dry volume of concrete = 1.54 times of the wet volume of concrete (Here 1.54 stands. as "Factor of safety" to counter the shrinkage) = 1.54 Cum
For M20, 30 liters of water per 50kg cement . Total amount of water required = 30 x 403.2 / 50 = 241.92 litre. 8.064 bags of cement required for 1 cu.m of M20 grade concrete. 630 kg of Sand required for 1 cu.m of M20 grade concrete. 1260 kg of 20mm Aggregate is required for 1 cu.m of M20 grade concrete.
QUANTITIES OF MATERIALS PER CUBIC METRE OF CONCRETE. Estimated quantities of materials required per cubic meter of concrete and mortar … for 15MPa, as per Indian code, its mix ratio is 1:2:4, and for this mix, it is … similarly, for M20 or 20MPa concrete, refer above table with mix ratio of 1::3, you will …. We are working on a tender for a low cost housing development in Lagos, …
As per Indian Standard Code their are lots of predefined mix like M20, M25 etc. Generally for slab we use M20 grade of concrete. Here M refer to Mix and 20 is the 28 days compressive strength in N/mm2. which is calculated by Cube testing. M20 => 1:1.5:3; as we assume by volume 1 vessel is cement, 1.5 vessel is sand and 3 vessel is aggregate.
Volume of 1 cube mould = 0.150 x 0.150 x 0.150 = 0.003375 cum. so concrete quantity for 1 cube = 0.003375 cum. concrete quantity for 12 cubes = 0.003375 x 12 = 0.0405 cum. We should take a little more quantity of concrete because it will stick on a trial mix drum and slump test purposes. so assumed concrete quantity = 0.045 cum.
M20 (1 cement :1.5 sand :3 stone/brick aggregate). To determine the proportions you have to perform mix design, for this you have to find out the sp.gr. of cement, CA, FA, and water cement ratio ...
Aggregate = 0.88 cum @ 800 per cum = 704/-Total Material cost is = 1900.8 + 440 + 704 = 3044.8. To know how to calculate the quantity of materials visit – How to calculate the quantity of material for concrete mix ratio? Labour Cost. 0.3 mason and 2 labours for one day are required for carrying out 1 Cum concrete.
Answer (1 of 5): Detailed analysis on M20 = 1:1.5:3 (Ratio) IST - Initial Setting Time FST - Final Setting Time As we know that during concreting when we place wet concrete, it gets harden after certain standard time( 30 mins IST & 10hrs FST), considering same We have to take a factor of safe...
Let us consider 1 CUM. of M20 grade concrete for the calculation purpose. Here, Cement:sand: aggregates = 1:1.5:3 (a:b:c) ... Estimation & costing of barbed wire fencing for a ... Estimation & costing of barbed wire fencing for a ... Estimation & costing of barbed wire fencing for a ...
1) Rate per cum for concrete M10 = INR 6839 2) Rate per sq m for concrete M10 = INR 1025 3) Rate per sq ft for concrete M10 = INR 97. Rate analysis for 1 cum concrete of M7.5 (1:4:8) M7.5 grade of concrete have cement, sand and aggregate ratio 1:4:8 in which one part is cement, 4 part is sand and 8 part is aggregate.
Considering concrete density = 2400 kg/cum, One bag of cement and other ingredients can produce = 400/2400 = 0.167 Cum of concrete (1:2:4) 01 bag cement yield = 0.167 cum concrete with a proportion of 1:2:4. 01 cum of concrete will require. Cement required = 1/0.167 = 5.98 Bags ~ 6 Bags. Sand required = 115/0.167 = 688 Kgs or 14.98 cft
Special concrete is defined as "concrete which meets special performance an uniformity requirements that cannot always be achieved routinely by using only conventional materials and normal mixing, placing and curing practices". TYPES OF SPECIAL CONCRETE. 1. High Volume Fly Ash Concrete. 2. Silica fume concrete. 3. GGBS, Slag based concrete. 4.
Rate analysis for 1 cum concrete of M20 (1:1.5:3) M 20 grade of concrete have cement, sand and aggregate ratio 1:1.5:3 in which one part is cement, 1.5 part is sand and 3 part is aggregate. For quantity and cost calculation for m20 grade of concrete we should follow following steps:-
Properties of concrete are influenced by many factors mainly due to mix proportion of cement, sand, aggregates and water. Ratio of these materials control the various concrete properties which are discussed below. Properties of Concrete are: Grades (M20, M25, M30 etc.) Compressive strength Characteristic Strength Tensile strength Durability Creep Shrinkage Unit weight Modular …
With continuous research and development in cement technology sector and its manufacturing process, a M20 mix of "1:1.5:3″(by volume) would be too heavy, over engineered and invaluable (~7.5 bags of cement per cum) and will finally lead to a M30 concrete and above (IS:456 too contains the minimum cement/cementitious content of 06 bags for M20).
Consider volume of concrete = 1m3. Dry Volume of Concrete = 1 x 1.54 = 1.54 m3 (For Dry Volume Multiply By 1.54) Now we start calculation to find Cement, Sand and Aggregate quality in 1 cubic meter concrete. CALCULATION FOR CEMENT QUANTITY; Cement= (1/5.5) x 1.54 = 0.28 m 3 ∴ 1 is a part of cement, 5.5 is sum of ratio
1. Ve r y Low 10- 40% 2. Low 41- 60% 3. Ave ra g e 61- 80% 4. Ve r y Go o d 81- 90% 5. Exc e l l e n t 9 1 - 1 0 0 % Be f o r e an ove r all productivity efficiency is obtained, the estimator must first arri v e at estimates of six impor-tant production elements that will affect the efficiency of the crews The six classifications of production ...
Density of M20,M25 and M30 is to be taken as 25kn/m³.; Similarly for higher grade of concrete and for high strength of concrete up to M60 grade of concrete the density will be 27.5 kn/m³.. For Ultra high strength concrete like M80 & M100 the density of concrete will be in the range of 29 kn/m³. Because the particle packing density will be very high, Void are very less & aggregate ...